Certifikovaný program primární
prevence pro žáky MŠMT
Akreditované školení
pro učitele MŠMT

3. místo za ČR v soutěži Evropská
síť prevence kriminality (EUCPN)

Red Library

The game

For Schools

Since September 2010, we have been organising a travelling exhibition called Don't Be a Victim! that is installed in Ostrava schools. The central theme of the exhibition is safe behaviour of pupils on the Internet whose basic ten rules are accompanied by an original pair of popular comic figures. The exhibition consists of a group of five standing panels whose acquisition was co-financed by the Moravská Ostrava and Přívoz district. Since we want to teach Internet safety rules as many pupils as possible, we usually place the panels in computer classrooms where they can also be used as a teaching tool. As a part of preventive activities we also organise the lecture called Risks of the Internet and Communication Technologies directly in the schools. Its organisation is for free now. If you want to join our activities concerning cyberbullying and sharing of personal information, just contact us at nebudobet@email.cz and book your installation date.
