Certifikovaný program primární
prevence pro žáky MŠMT
Akreditované školení
pro učitele MŠMT

3. místo za ČR v soutěži Evropská
síť prevence kriminality (EUCPN)

Red Library

The game


In cooperation with many organisations, the Don’t Be a Victim! Association helps children to use modern communication technologies safely.

IČO: 22837965

If you wish to join the fight against cyberbullying and face the risks of the Internet with us, you can contact us at the address below or to inquire about possibilities of cooperation, etc.

Your ideas, experiences or advice send at e-mail: nebudobet [at] email [dot] cz experiences or advice send at e-mail: nebudobet@email.cz or contact us directly by phone:

  • Management and administration: (+420) 774 242 507
  • Methodology, training and lectures: (+420) 734 147 317

Nebuď oběť! Chairman - Ing. Martin Pokorný, MBA


He studied economics with specialisation on grant programmes of EU at Faculty of Economics at VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava and at German universities in Mittweid and Freiberg. In addition to extensive experience in the domestic labour market, he has also worked in Spain and the Philippines. He has been working as a professional project manager since 2004. He was an investigator and co-investigator of 3 large educational programmes under the ESF HRD OP and also EHP/Norway project and Leonardo Da Vinci program. In 2008, he became an assessor accredited by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs for the operational program HRE. Currently, he continues to be devoted to preparation and implementation of educational projects in ALVIT - Innovation and Education, Ltd. Company.

Since 2009, he has been a chairman of the Risks of the Internet and Communication Technologies Association, a.k.a. Don’t Be a Victim! This volunteer work helps through preventive activities to parents and children not to become victims of new communication tools.

Mgr. Lukáš Látal


He graduated from the Faculty of Education at the University of Ostrava. He gained experience from the non-profit space as a lecturer of environmental programs and organizer of community beneficial events in Vita, o.s. Now he works as a teacher of the Czech language at an elementary school in Ostrava. He is a tutor of pathological and prevention programs for elementary school pupils, teachers and parents in the Risks of the Internet and Communication Technologies Association. He also deals with the issue of cyberbullying, sexting, grooming, phishing, happy slapping and other dangers lurking on the Internet.

He is the author of texts for the Don’t Be a Victim Association web pages and also of the educational program Risks of the Internet and Communication Technologies of which ongoing implementation is being realized in the school year 2010/2011 on the second stage of elementary schools in Ostrava.

Bc. Barbora Bětáková

Translation of foreign documents and analyzes for the issues associated with the risks of the Internet and communication technologies. Monitoring of examples of good practice abroad and communication with foreign partners.

Vlastimil Pazdera

Acts as a webmaster, webdesigner and administrator of the web presentation. He studies at VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava.