prevence pro žáky MŠMT Akreditované školení
pro učitele MŠMT
3. místo za ČR v soutěži Evropská
síť prevence kriminality (EUCPN)
- Aktivity září a říjen
- Kraj pro bezpečný internet 2023
- Community volunteering against cyber bullying
- Sticks and Stones
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- European Solidarity Corps
- ff
- Yes We Can !
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- Bezpečný internet s ČSOB II.
- trikem proti kyberšikaně
- Kyberšikana má červenou 2022
- S kyberšikanou v duši II.
- Umění startu
- S kyberšikanou v duši
- S kyberšikanou pod kůží
- Řidičský průkaz internetového surfaře
Risks of the Internet and Communication Technologies Association (a.k.a. Don’t Be a Victim) is focused on preventive education of pupils in elementary schools, teachers and parents in areas of dangerous use of the Internet and communication technologies. Our association warns against possible misusing of personal information and it gives information about new phenomena in cyberspace such as sexting, grooming, phishing or happy slapping. We are engaged in making videos, production of comic strips and educational programmes, organisation of lectures and international co-operational projects.
The Do Not A Victim Mission is to protect children from the threats and risks of the virtual world and modern communication technologies through preventive education and various projects and events, and with the help of lectures and trainings we try to address secondary target groups of parents, teachers, school leaders, Ostrava and the Moravian-Silesian Region, Librarians of the Ostrava City Library. Within the Moravian-Silesian Region, we are the only organization specializing in Internet and communication technologies that actively organizes and organizes events aimed at minimizing these risks, in which we repeatedly and actively involve our primary target group of pupils of elementary and secondary schools and apprenticeships.
Vision and Objectives
Do not be a victim to drive all of their activities to spread awareness of the risks of using the Internet and communication technologies; performs generally beneficial educational and promotional activities on the safe use of mobile phones, communication devices and Internet communication applications with a focus on the protection of personal data; secures support for endangered groups and thus greatly contributes to minimizing the risks that arise when using modern communication technologies. Do not be a victim trying to constantly expand their activities and reach out to the most vulnerable groups on the basis of identifying current needs and risks that are constantly evolving and responding with innovative approaches. At the same time we are expanding our activities within the Moravian-Silesian Region by establishing new partnerships and cooperation with the organizations concerned, such as schools, libraries, police, city authorities, low-threshold centers, leisure centers, youth organizations and the umbrella council of children and youth MSK and the Social Services Center Ostrava. Do not be a victim trying to be a methodically, personally, ideologically and economically stable organization that is trying to offer its activities to schools and other entities thanks to the projects, for FREE. We provide support to various youth organizations such as schools, libraries, the Ostrava Social Services Center, foster families, low-threshold centers, leisure centers, children's camps. The core activities of the association include educational events, lectures, training for all target groups concerned, project implementation, media campaigns, project days at elementary schools, shooting themed video clips, making comics and web pages with regular updates, caring for a group on the Facebook social network.
Basic philosophy will not be benefit
- The cornerstone of our efforts is to minimize the impact of the risks of modern technologies and irresponsible Internet behavior on the young generation of users and to stimulate their parents' interest in the virtual world of their own offspring.
- We want the issue of the risks of Internet and communication technologies to be discussed and unchallenged to be broadly integrated into school curricula at elementary schools as one of the basic cross-cutting themes.
- We want to popularize the topic of the Internet risks to the extent that public interest, responsible ministries, municipalities, city and regional officials are increasing, and the issue of dangerous use of the Internet and communication technologies has begun to address conceptually.
- We want to inform the company of the new risks of the Internet, truthfully, undistortedly and without hysterical fear.
- We respect the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in particular freedom of expression and free access to information, so we are not trying to manipulate young people and banning and restricting modern technologies, but rather to illuminate their safe use and use.
- Educational activities, lectures and training are constantly being upgraded and adapted to specific target groups, not only with the aim of acquainting with the subject, but also with the principles of experience pedagogy to experience model situations.
- We want to be a community that respects democratic principles, without political affiliation and subject to any interested business groups.
- We want to spread the awareness of the risks of the Internet to families so that parents themselves take responsibility for the safety of their own offspring not only in the real world but also in the virtual world.
- We want to constantly expand the network of collaborating and partner organizations that can reach a larger part of the target group.
- We want to remain a socially respected and recognized organization that is sought after not only by the target group but also by the media, the professional public and the relevant state institutions.
History will not benefit
Risks of the Internet and Communication Technologies, zs were established in 2009, when their education activities at elementary schools started with a basic form of lectures, web pages and thematic panels with thematic comics were created to make a traveling exhibition at elementary schools. During the year, the number of members and supporters of teachers, parents, the general public and pupils themselves has grown. During the year, we organized the first projects and workshops focusing on foreign cooperation and contacts with partners, such as the 7-day Grundtvig Workshop. Other important steps in the development of the association were the acquisition of a grant from the City of Ostrava to record video clips on cyberbullying with elementary school pupils themselves, but also the accreditation of the Risks of Internet and Communication Technologies program from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports to the further education of pedagogical staff. After organizing a basic team of colleagues, contacts and lecturers, we regularly organized training courses for pupils, teachers, librarians and the general public, participated in expert conferences of partners from the Safer Internet Center and the Olomouc E-Safety project in Olomouc, we took part in actions to support International Safe Day Internet.
The website brings up-to-date information on new risks, author articles and insights, the facebook group gets new members each month and has 413 members in July 2014. During the years 2013 and 2014, we performed and presented our activities in Czech Television (ČT Regions, Good Morning, On-line), Czech Radio (Ostrava Advice, Counseling, Morning News), Psychology and From the partners and co-operating organizations, we name approximately 40 elementary schools in the MSC, the Police of the Czech Republic, the Ostrava Municipal Police, the Ostrava Pedagogical and Psychological Advisory Center, the Social Services Center in Ostrava, Buntaranta - friends of foster families. In the last year, the basic milestone was the acquisition of a certificate of the Primary Prevention Program, an Internet surfer's license from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. You can find more detailed specifications on the pages under the "For schools - students" tab. The Association has been successful in winning projects from subsidy providers (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Ministry of Health, Moravian-Silesian Region, Foreign Office, etc.) in which we trained 2 500 pupils, 392 teachers and 187 parents in 2014, we enrolled 1728 pupils in 15 project days.
Number of most both projects
- Facebook Fakebook (Grundtvig, National Agency for European Education Programs)
- Do not be a victim (shooting video clips, the statutory city of Ostrava)
- Pupil Symposium Virtual Network Dangers (Own Activity)
- Contact seminar Grundtvig Antalya (House of Foreign Services)
- Reading literacy workshop - experience the feeling! (Reading Literacy, Grundtvig)
- Driving license for internet surfer (MŠMT)
- Cyberbullying under the skin (Moravskoslezský kraj)
- With cyberbullying in the soul (Ministry of Health)
- A trick against cyberbullying (MSK - a joint project with a non-organized youth)
- Kyberšikana has red (MŠMT)
- With cyberbullying in the soul (MZ)
- IT4VET (Leonardo da Vinci Mobility Projects)